Inhaling Sickness!

We Should All Be Aware.

It's Cookie's Time!

The Air That We Breathe

Can you imagine inhaling a very bad carbon dioxide?

Isn’t that flammable? The brain cell gets toasted, suddenly losing trigonometry and physics from high school.

It can make you dumb or stupid – I embraced that thought ever since I was a kid. Of course, that is not the case – not deadly and won’t make one dumb, but is not an excuse to release one in a room full of people.

I don’t plan to discuss “farting and carbon dioxide” in this article, however, it is very relative to breathing and living.

Human take in oxygen and emits carbon dioxide which is beneficial to other species – plants to be exact. If we take in something that is not beneficial to us, then it is harmful. Unfortunately for humans, we don’t wither and die easily if we take in something harmful – cigarette, alcohol…

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